Monday, December 19, 2011

Brief Introduction & Some Words

Hello, Jeff M. here.

Welcome to the Crazy Word Glance Guide!

This Blog was created just for fun, and kind of a creative getaway from the everyday. I do a lot of networking through Traffic Exchanges, advertising various sites, meeting new people from around the world, and sometimes being spontaneously creative with creating stories and such in many of the chat windows.

So, another reason I created this Blog is to share other people's words as well. I wanted to call this a Dictionary, but nah... I'll call this the Crazy Word Glance Guide! I'm not going to get too excited about alphabetical order, and all that technical stuff, I just want to have some creative fun.  Some of these words may be normal English Language terms, but most of the time I go for the weird and wonderful words that are just "out of the blue"!

I will list any new words in the following way: Date received, the word, the meaning of the word, and then the contributor. Some of these words are from other people, so I'll give credit where it is due if anyone is interested in contributing a word or two to this blog. :)

Here are a few words to get the party Started!

12-08-11 Guzumped: overwhelmed,  beaten, bested, challenged. (Les)

12-08-11 Spiffy: standard feeling, normal, not out of the ordinary, alright, going well, smoothly, way to go, acknowledgement of success, or a sign of agreement or understanding. (Jeff M.)

12-08-11 Intense: really well done, exciting, spectacular, acknowledgement of success, reply to a shocking remark, wonderful. (Jeff M.)

12-08-11 Fubar: not working, completely messed up, bungled, confused. (Justin)

12-08-11 Faux Pas: a slip or blunder of etiquette. (Les)

12-08-11 Indeed: very good, agreement, acknowledgement of a remark, "I see.", understanding of a comment/ expression of frustration. (Jeff M.)

12-08-11 Epic: astounding, very interesting, overreaction of acknowledgement regarding a goal or prize obtained while surfing TEs (Traffic Exchanges), "No way!", unbelievable to hear, great, awesome. (Jeff M.)

12-08-11 Moushay: depart, move quickly, react with haste, quick exit, leave, be brisk in reaction/ movement. (Jeff M.)

12-13-11 Diligenetic:  The persistence of diligence transference via DNA. (David V.)

Well, there you have it! If you would like to add a word to this ever-growing list, please don't hesitate to contact me via E-Mail.

My E-Mail:
  • Put "Crazy Word" in the Subject line so I can sort it out from my other mail.
  • Write your word, and its meaning(s) in the message.
  • Include your name, or initials so that I can give credit when I post your word! If you want to remain unknown, just let me know in the E-Mail message. I will respect that as well. :)
  • Please keep the words rated PG, but have fun with this. 
  • Send as many words and their meanings as you would like to! The more words, the bigger this guide gets!
Take care and have a great day!